No Mind

I feel like I have plenty to say lately – I have a growing list of prompts and drafts and notes to myself, lots of great topics – but when I sit to begin putting actual words together, I feel stumped. I don’t know what it is. I blame the easy scapegoat of MS for robbing me of my ability to write coherently. I’ll keep at it – god knows I have plenty of time.

I was awake all night – again – last week, so I sat up, took my phone camera and made this.898

There’s more (if you want to see) at Captured Light.

I have also re-discovered My Counterpane, a vibrant online community of MS people – people who immediately know what we’re talking about. Wander over and introduce yourself.

Author: Stephen

Stephen Harris is a writer, painter and a photographer who lives with his family in Maine.

2 thoughts on “No Mind”

    1. i’m investigating self-portrait, and discovering something about finding crisis moments. and artist as shaman, venturing into the unknown and returning with a vision. hmmmm.

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